Upcoming events

Kindred Family Christmas 2024
The Kindred Community will share the love of Jesus with families throughout our communities with an evening of shopping, food, and fun on Friday, December 13, 2024.

Join us as we close out Kindred 2024 Series with an outdoor celebration. Registration required.

Join us as representatives from our three Kindred churches share what it looks like to personally “Join the Spirit on a Missional Journey”.

KiNDRED 2024 Kickoff
Join us as we kick off this year’s Kindred series. This special service will take place at 6:00pm in the UPC sanctuary.

Kindred Prayer Gathering 「主裡一家親」聯合禱告會
Kindred Prayer Gathering
Join us this month for an evening of prayer, praise, and a word from the Lord hosted by University Presbyterian Church.

Juneteenth "Songs of Black Folk 2023"
SONGS OF BLACK FOLK 2023 will once again present a music tradition that began on the African continent and was transported to the Americas via slave ships and took root in the daily sufferings of an enslaved Black people who chose to survive and who fought to be free. This Concert will feature the rise of the Negro Spirituals and demonstrate how they have evolved into other Black musical genres, including blues, Gospel, jazz, R&B, Hip-Hop, and even spoken word. Read More
Ticket Prices Range from $30 - $75 (before taxes and fees)

Kindred Kick-off
Join us for an evening of worship as we kick-off Kindred 2023: Standing Firm, Striving Together for the Faith. We will enjoy worship, prayer, praise, and fellowship. Sunday, May 21, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. at University Presbyterian Church. Click for Live stream

Kindred Prayer Gathering 「主裡一家親」聯合禱告會
Kindred Prayer Gathering
Join us this month for an evening of prayer, praise, and a word from the Lord via ZOOM hosted by Damascus International Fellowship.

Christmas Trains Community Gathering
Join the Kindred Community for a festive holiday gathering on Saturday, December 10, from 1–4 pm in UPC's Geneva Hall. Experience the season's joy with food, fellowship, a gospel treasure hunt for kids, and a model train display to excite the kid in all of us.

Kindred Prayer Gathering 「主裡一家親」聯合禱告會
Kindred Prayer Gathering
Join us ONLINE this month for an evening of prayer, praise, and a word from the Lord hosted by ECC Seattle. Join Zoom

Kindred Prayer Gathering 「主裡一家親」聯合禱告會
Kindred Prayer Gathering Zoom Meeting
Join us this month via Zoom for an evening of prayer, praise, and a word from the Lord hosted by ECC Redmond.

One Seattle Juneteenth
Kindred churches encourage us all to attend the One Seattle Juneteenth "The Songs of Black Folk: The Music of Resistance & Hope" at McCaw Hall Sunday at 6 pm (free tickets online).

Kindred Pentecost
4 pm | food, fun, and fellowship
6 pm | praise and worship (live stream here)

Kindred Cultural Connections—ECC
We grow closer when we share and know our neighbor’s story.
Our final installment is hosted by ECC Seattle. Join us for a series of Cultural Connections focused on getting to know each other’s culture, history, struggles, and triumphs.

Kindred Prayer Gathering 「主裡一家親」聯合禱告會
Kindred Prayer Gathering Zoom Meeting
Join us this month via Zoom for an evening of prayer, praise, and a word from the Lord hosted by University Presbyterian Church.
Click picture for Zoom link

Kindred Cultural Connections—Damascus
Our second session is hosted by Damascus International Fellowship. Join us for a series of Cultural Connections focused on getting to know each other’s culture, history, struggles, and triumphs.
Damascus’ COVID policy remains in effect for in-person worship, we welcome all who have been vaccinated and masks are required. We look forward to seeing you.

Kindred Cultural Connections—UPC
Join us for a series of Cultural Connections focused on getting to know each other’s culture, history, struggles, and triumphs.

Kindred Prayer Gathering 「主裡一家親」聯合禱告會
Kindred Prayer Gathering Zoom Meeting
Join us this month via Zoom for an evening of prayer, praise, and a word from the Lord hosted by Damascus.

Kindred Family Christmas — Drive Through「主裏一家親」自駕車歡樂慶祝聖誕
Kindred Drive-Thru COVID-19 Guidelines, Q&A Download
A Kindred Family Christmas is a FREE beautiful drive-thru experience for all ages.
From your vehicle, driving slowly through the ECC Redmond campus, you will enjoy the sights and sounds of the season. Please RSVP below so we have a better idea of how many cookies to bake!
Come and enjoy a festive, drive-through celebration featuring a live Nativity with families from each of our Kindred churches, Christmas carolers and band, a photo opportunity, live reindeer, hot cocoa and treats, and pastors from the three churches.
Bring an ornament to hang on our Kindred Family Christmas Tree that represents your family and culture. We’ll celebrate the multi-ethnic family of God as we come together to glorify Jesus in unity.
We need volunteers to help with the gift box distribution, set up props, distribute drinks & cookies, and help with the photo booth. We encourage family bubbles to sign up to volunteer together. Thank you!
您可駕車觀賞聖誕燈飾,並在過節的歡樂聲中,享受自製的熱可可、美味餅乾及聆聽聖誕歌曲。現場有耶穌誕生的場景,以及非常特別的嘉賓 -- 活生生可愛的馴鹿Victor 和Bunny!歡迎攜帶具有家庭傳統及/或民俗文化特色的聖誕飾品,掛在「主裡一家親」的聖誕樹上;在照片展示區,您可以與家人或朋友合影留念。在飄著雨雪的聖誕氣氛中,我們期待見到您!

Essential Items Drive
Kindred is collecting essential items for our Family Christmas adopted families such as: 4-count Toilet tissue, 2-Count Paper Towels, Liquid Soap.

Kindred Prayer Gathering 「主裡一家親」聯合禱告會
Kindred Prayer Gathering Zoom Meeting
Join us this month via Zoom for an evening of prayer, praise, and a word from the Lord hosted by University Presbyterian Church.

Kindred Prayer Gathering 「主裡一家親」聯合禱告會
Kindred Prayer Gathering Zoom Meeting
Join us this month via Zoom for an evening of prayer, praise, and a word from the Lord hosted by ECC Redmond.

Juneteenth Outdoor Worship Service
Join Kindred partner churches University Presbyterian Church and Damascus International Fellowship for our first annual Juneteenth Outdoor Worship Service at University Presbyterian Church in the north parking lot. Services begin at 12:30 p.m. but we invite you to arrive a few minutes early to pick your seating area and enjoy the wonderful sounds of worship and celebration. There will be drumming, gospel singing, music, dance, and some tasty treats to take home afterward.
You may register as members of the same household or POD (individuals who want to sit safely together due to vaccination status). Masks and social distancing will be required. See you there!
We will still be following WA state Governor's restrictions so here's what you need to know:
We will practice and maintain 6ft. social distancing
Masks will be worn at ALL times by all audience members
Bring your own lawn chairs or seating (limited chairs will be on hand)
**NOTE: If you have had recent exposure to or a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 or are feeling flu-like symptoms, please don't attend this in-person worship experience.
Kindred Conversations “Between the Generations”
We are excited to announce that on June 2 Damascus International Fellowship, Evangelical Chinese Church, and University Presbyterian Church will co-host a Kindred panel discussion titled, "Between the Generations." Our panelists include Savannah Bogan and Reverend Mary Hobson from DIF, Eckhart Chan and Pastor Alex Cui from ECC, along with Chris Nichols and Taylor Johnson from UPC. In this panel discussion, we will explore the generational and ethnic challenges that underlie our conversations on race. We hope this can be a space to build empathy across generations both within and between our congregations. Please join us for an evening of reflection and storytelling as we conclude our 2021 Kindred series!
Meeting ID: 945 5131 8910
One tap mobile +12532158782,,94551318910# US (Seattle)
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acqTATTOIv
「主裏一家親」專題座談會- 「世代之間」
大馬士革國際教會、西雅圖證道堂和華大長老教會將在6月2日共同主辦「世代之間」的專題座談會。講員包括來自大馬士革國際教會的Savannah Bogan和Mary Hobson牧師、西雅圖證道堂的陳一哲傳道和崔勝洪牧師,以及華大長老教會的Chris Nichols和Taylor Johnson。在本次座談會中,我們將探討關於種族間的對話背後的代溝和挑戰。我們希望這能成為一個平台,建立起在我們的會眾當中及各個世代彼此之間的同理心。在結束2021「主裏一家親」系列之際,歡迎加入我們的反思和故事之夜!
Meeting ID: 945 5131 8910
One tap mobile +12532158782,,94551318910# US (Seattle)
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acqTATTOIv

Kindred Pentecost Drive-In Celebration
Come celebrate the powerful work of the Holy Spirit this Pentecost as we gather and worship together as One Church! Click on the image for important details and to register a vehicle.

Kindred Prayer Gathering 「主裡一家親」聯合禱告會
Kindred Prayer Gathering Zoom Meeting
Join us this month via Zoom for an evening of prayer, praise, and a word from the Lord hosted by Damascus International Fellowship.